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You thought building a Sukkah is simple, just three walls and some Sechach?
Think again.....

Did you know that around 50% of the Sukkahs built indoors are not  Kosher? 

 Don't just build and have regrets afterwards.

Get the right advice to have your Sukkah built correctly from the very start.


*or rely on serious compromises in halocho


About Us

Over the last few years there has been a widespread shift from erecting the traditional outdoor Sukkahs to having a Sukkah built indoors.

Whilst such a Sukkah certainly has considerable advantages, it also raises substantial challenge with regard to its Kashrus which can frequently be overlooked.


Why Kosher Sukkah?

Many indoor Sukkahs are already built and do not meet the Halachic requirements needed for the Sukkah to be used on Yom Tov. As a result, people either inadvertently spend the duration of Yom Tov sitting in a Sukkah Pesuloh, or find themselves spending significant amounts of money trying to rectify their Sukkah, often with unsightly and awkward results.

With simple foresight and planning, this unnecessary expense and discomfort could easily have been avoided.

Having your house plans checked whilst still in the planning and drawing stage by a competent Halachic authority, proficient in understanding CAD drawings, can save time, money and frustration for the homeowner, and ensure that the Sukkah being built is one that meets the highest Halachic standards.

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If you thought that building an indoor Sukkah
is a simple thing.....

   But it's only three Tefochim, why can't      I  sit there?   

Standard features in your indoor Sukkah can sometimes get very complicated.

But it needn't be so.

Take a closer look about how this problem may be solved.....


Our Aim and Our Services

Our aim is that everyone should have a Kosher Sukkah Lemehadrin for Yom Tov.

We are here to complement your architect and interior designer by using a combination of expertise in Hilchos Sukkah coupled with the knowledge and understanding to analyse CAD drawings. Having the plans for your Sukkah checked by Kosher Sukkah will enable the architect to design your home in a way that will leave you with a Sukkah which is not compromised in any way with regards to the standard of its Kashrus.

We will liaise with your architect/interior designer and review your CAD drawings and provide you with a full report which will include:

  • Any changes that should be made to ensure the Sukkah being built is Kosher.

  • Information and suggestions that may be implemented to maintain the standard of Kashrus expected.

  • A certification of Kashrus to the Sukkah, giving peace of mind to the homeowner.

We also provide a house visit service to existing Sukkahs in the UK to verify that the Sukkah is Kosher and suitable for use on Yom Tov.

As always, prevention is certainly better than the cure, and many issues can be detected and avoided by having the plans submitted to Kosher Sukkah, before the actual building begins.

House Plan

Analyse your building plans, and check your Sukkah for any potential problems

Renovations in Progress

Home visits
To check your Sukkah

Suggestions and advice to maintain a high standard of Kashrus


Certificate of Kashrus for your Sukkah

Golden Parchment

What Dayanim and Rabbonim are saying


"I strongly recommend to those who are considering designing a Sukkah, to contact Rabbi Ost for advice and assistance"

Rabbi S.F. Zimmerman שליט"א

רב ואב"ד פעדערישן לונדון


"I have known Rabbi Dov Ost for some time now....and I can say with confidence that he is an expert in this area and proficient in the numerous and intricate Halochos that are pertinent to building a Kosher indoor Sukkah."

Dayan S. Simons שליט"א
חבר ביד"צ דק"ק לונדון והמדינה


"I feel the great need in the קהילה for such a service. I have witnessed many times a סוכה built without prior consultation, and much to the chagrin of the owner, the סוכה was totally פסולה. Foresight and pre-planning is key in preventing such עגמת נפש"

Rabbi Avrohom Arran שליט"א

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Contact Us

. . . . and find how our services can benefit you and help you with your Sukkah.



Short שאלות will be answered at no charge.

Longer consultations will require an appointment.

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